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Benefits of Morning Running to Lose Weight

Morning is the right time to start all activities that nourish the body and mind, one of them is through sports. If you want to lose weight, it's good to consider the benefits of a morning run to achieve it. Sports is one of the activities that can not be separated in an effort to lose weight. According to research, the morning is the right time to exercise because it's easier to make it a routine.

Easy to Make Daily Routines

For someone who has difficulty making exercise a routine, morning exercise is one of the best choices. Morning exercise is also very beneficial, because it has not been disturbed by the daily grind. Morning run as physical activity, very good for burning calories. On average, running at a speed of 8 km / h will burn around 295 calories. Meanwhile, walking at a speed of around 5.5 km / hour can burn 140 calories. To lose weight and get the benefits of morning running, try to exercise at least 3 times a week for a total time of about 60-90 minutes. However, beginners can start exercising about 10 minutes per day. Then, increase gradually. Besides running in the morning, exercise that is recommended to be done at the beginning of the day includes cycling, swimming, yoga, or lifting weights.

Relieve Sleep Disorders

Morning exercise, including jogging, can improve sleep quality. According to research, this is an important factor in losing weight. Poor sleep quality will affect certain hormones in the body that affect appetite. Enough sleep will improve hormonal balance so that the body is able to control appetite. A study revealed that women aged 50-75 years who are overweight who exercise in the morning about 60 minutes per week, can sleep better when compared with those who do not exercise in the morning. Conversely, exercise in the afternoon can actually make sleep more difficult.

Tips for Starting a Morning Run

Before starting the morning run, try to warm up. Low body temperature in the morning makes sufficient warm up before exercise becomes very important. In addition, several things you can do include:
  • Consumption of fruit, juice, or yogurt about 30 minutes before running in the morning. It is important to avoid dizziness or weakness when exercising on an empty stomach. However, it is recommended to avoid coffee.
  • Stretch after the morning run. This will help the body be more flexible and prevent injury. Bend down until your hands reach your toes or turn your head to the right and left.
  • After finishing the morning run, cool down for a few minutes. Take a deep breath and let the body relax for about 1-2 minutes. Do this before starting eating, bathing, or other activities.
  • Consider a fitness center or gym. This kind of training ground is very good for maintaining the motivation to exercise for some people.
  • Keep exercising on weekends. If you make morning exercise a routine part, you should still do it on weekends.
For those of you who suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or have a risk of heart disease, you should consult a doctor first if you want to start exercising. It is recommended to start jogging slowly according to ability. Make this exercise a daily routine to get the maximum benefits of running in the morning.
